Sunday, July 6, 2008


What attracts you to see a movie? What about a trailer or ad campaign will get your hard earned money out of your pocket?

Apparently for me (and Alison), it is relatively simple. In the case of Hancock, we were watching trailers and as a laugh we decided to watch Hancock. From the first few glimpses, it seemed mediocre and then . . .

MOVE! Bitch, get out the way, bitch get out the way... (ah Ludacris)

That song set to images of Will Smith flying into a highway sign? SOLD!

So when opening weekend came around, it was with trepidation that we followed through on our excitement to see the film by attending opening night, in the hope the song made an appearance in the actual movie. But we were not disappointed.

First action sequence, there it was. Said song accompanied by said image. Then to completely convince we had made the right decision, during the fight scene the bad guy breaks Hancock's bottle of rum or whisky or whatever (He's an alcoholic superhero, hi jinks ensue) and Hancock looks directly into the camera (i.e. the bad guy's face), holds the bottle up and simply shakes his head. It's that kind of simple comedy that we fall for every time. So things we're looking up. Will Smith was in top form, Jason Bateman showed up to remind us to watch Arrested Development reruns, inexplicably Charlize Theron was there, but we didn't mind.

Our love for the movie started to decline after a particular high note. Hancock, having just saved Jason Bateman from an oncoming train, derailing it and making a huge mess in the process, encounters an angry mob of people who are ungrateful for his heroics. One woman in particular engages in the following exchange:
Lady: "You smell like alcohol."
Hancock: "That's cause I been drinking, bitch!"


Then it was all downhill from there. (SPOILER) Something about Charlize being Hancock's long lost superhero wife or some such nonsense. Lame. But had the film continued it's first hour of brilliance, we might have a had a favorite new superhero on our hands.

1 comment:

Alison said...

I forgot that we saw this on opening night. I also forgot how awesome we are.