Tuesday, January 22, 2008

On Hollywood loss

I am so freaking upset about Heath Ledger! I'm also so disgusted by the photographers waiting for his body to be rolled out on a stretcher.

I've been a fan since he sang "Can't Take My Eyes Off of You" in
10 Things I Hate About You. I even, against all my better judgement, really enjoyed (and own) A Knight's Tale. I believe it falls into the guilty pleasure category discussed in a previous post.

The Patriot to Monster's Ball to Brokeback Mountain, Heath was undeniably talented. Make fun of me if you will, but I am truly sad about his passing. I feel so terrible for his family and friends, especially his little daughter. I know how awful it is to have someone taken from you so suddenly and with no warning. I wish I had something more eloquent to say, but I'm actually at a loss for words.



casey elizabeth said...

i am with you linds. my co worker told me as i was making whipped cream and i froze my thumb with the co2 charger...genius.

it's just weird when talented folks your age who seem to have it all destroy themselves like this. it always saddens me, every time i see the self-destruction in the tabloids. in a weird way i want to minister to them. i don't know how. it's all very sad.

on the bright side, see you tomorrow!

dn said...

Why?? Why couldn't it have been Orlando Bloom???

Nicolas Frisby said...

I liked him. I felt a kinship there but have no idea why. I miss him.