Jacky and I met at the Times building and I walked up to see that Jacky had secured us the very first spot in line. Note: We were definitely on the younger spectrum of the crowd and all were jealous of our amazing spot in line.
When the doors opened we struggled inwardly about if we should sit in the front row or not. We decided against it and went for the fourth. When she entered, she looked exactly the same as on T.V. Really short and cute as a button. Throughout the talk, which it must be said was conducted by a much better interviewer than the last Times Talk I went to, I was struck by how genuine and humble she was. She talked about her start on Broadway (she was Annie!), where all she has lived in New York, the show and then the film. She spilled Carrie's job in the film and watched some clips.
All in all, $30 well spent.
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