Saturday, December 11, 2010

Eleven to eliminate

December 11 – 11 Things. What are 11 things your life doesn’t need in 2011? How will you go about eliminating them? How will getting rid of these 11 things change your life?

1. If my previous posts are any indication, I can stand to get rid of some laziness. Not all, clearly, but some. I need to be more proactive in many areas of my life. I hope to be able to do so in the coming year.

2. As mentioned in the previous post, I can do without Coca-Cola. My one vice. This guy came into our office and talked about how he quit drinking soda and lost a ton of weight. True, he also quit drinking a six-pack of beer a night but still. I need to seriously limit this addiction. After another unsuccessful attempt at quitting ended, I told my friend Carolyn that I had accepted that "Lindsey comes with a Coke. I haven't. I want to change. Any suggestions?

3. Related to #1, I can do without the guilt I feel for not going to the gym enough. I can eliminate this in two ways. Cancel my gym membership or just effing go to the gym. I want to choose the latter, I fear the former.

4. I would like to eliminate some of my debt this year. Work is going to help with some of that since my salary was recently restored to its pre-pay cut rate. But I need to create a budget and at least attempt to stick to it. I want to employ the savings master Corinne Kritikos in this matter.

5. My room is a mess. I need to clean it and eliminate some clutter.

6. My dentist tells me he needs to eliminate some of my gums. I got an infection awhile back and apparently I have excess gums. So maybe that will happen this year.

7. I also am suffering from a weird skin discoloration, which have affectionately come to be known as "my dots." I have had it for more than a year but finally went to the dermatologist about two months ago to seek treatment. She took one look at me and told me "I was a mess." Not what you want to hear. Apparently it is caused by the same thing that causes dandruff. So I have been trying to eliminate it for two months. They are still there, clear as day. So this battle will continue into 2011.

8. Having trouble coming up with more . . . I'll add my addiction to Five Guys to this as well. For those that don't know, I am regularly recognized at the Five Guys by my apartment. I've been asked for real estate advice by employees. They notice when I am not in pajamas and comment. They notice when I don't go in at least once a week. This is embarrassing on several levels. Not only because it's bad for me but also bad for my financials. I should cut back to once a month.

9. Most of these I'm finding have to do with me being lazy . . .

10. Uh . . .

11. Besides other trivial things, I think I should probably eliminate a lot of feelings of jealousy. Jealousy of other people's jobs, travels, etc. I'm not quite sure how to eliminate those besides eliminating my own laziness as previously discussed. I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Nicolas Frisby said...

2: drink a glass or two of water immediately upon wanting a Coke. This was how I stopped craving salty foods like potato chips. I think we mistake thirst-for-water for hunger and thirst-for-other things because of how readily accessible they are in our lives.

I've no idea about the laziness bit… same thing here. Reading does feel better than other non-productive activities, though.